Ideological reflections in Russia under conditions of coronavirus infection pandemic (COVID-19)

  • V. E. Semenkov

    V. Ye. Semenkov.St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work St. Petersburg. Russia

  • A. S. Chernoivanova

    A. S. Chernoivanova. St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Social Work. St. Petersburg. Russia


The contribution made to the study of pandemics by a wide range of disciplines outside of academic medicine, such as sociology, cultural studies, political science, has contributed to the development of research on the impact of the epidemic process on political and ideological change. These studies are of scientific and methodological interest for all those who analyze the impact of anti-virus measures on the political and ideological context of society. The aim of this work is to analyze the direction of ideological reflections in the context of the coronavirus infection pandemic (COVID-19). The focus of attention is the transformation of mega-ideologies catalyzed by the pandemic and the production of new models of life. (The term “mega-ideology” is rather arbitrary and is used in this work to denote the main ideological complexes that have existed in the world over the past 100 years.) Within the framework of this work, it is proposed to distinguish three classic mega-ideologies: liberalism, national conservatism, and socialism. In world history, major crises have always been the main catalysts for the development of ideology. An analysis of ideological reflections in Russia showed that an internal split of positions in connection with the attitude to the crisis of 2020-2021 caused by the coronavirus infection pandemic (COVID-19) is recorded within each of the classic mega-ideologies. We can predict sharp ideological conflicts of former ideological comrades-in-arms - probably even more acute than those between supporters of different ideologies. The methodological basis is the critical social theory. Within the framework of this methodology, the hidden structures associated with the relationship of domination and subordination are studied. According to critical social theory, social reality constantly hides itself, and not only hides, but constantly pretends to be something else - for something that lies, as it were, on the surface. Critical social theory is interested in precisely those structures that are not grasped by ordinary consciousness that define this social reality. Within the framework of this approach, anti-virus measures of the state are interpreted not only as measures of a medical nature, but also as a certain social policy. The material for the analysis was made by public statements about the pandemic and its social consequences of both political and public figures of our country and foreign politicians. In the course of analyzing these statements of directions, the pandemic can be studied both as an object (of power manipulations) and as a phenomenon that has given a whole range of experiences in Russian society.
Keywords: pandemic coronavirus infection, liberalism, national conservatism, socialism.